Criminal Record Check

Criminal Record Check

VMSL Criminal Record Check Policy

The Vancouver Metro Soccer League (VMSL) is a full member of BC Soccer, the governing body for soccer in British Columbia. As such, the VMSL is subject to BC Soccer’s Criminal Record Check Policy.

The VMSL must obtain a copy of a Criminal Record Check (CRC) and a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) from any person who helps run a team in the VMSL that registers youth age players or uses youth players on permit. 

BC Soccer’s Criminal Record Check Policy states that an adult league coach and/or manager who permits or registers youth aged players to their team must have a valid Vulnerable Sector Check
or Enhanced Police Information Check
on file.

Please be advised that per BC Soccer’s Criminal Record Check Policy, you will not be able to participate in your role within the VMSL until your CRC and VSC has been submitted and reviewed.

As of October 5, 2019 the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) has implemented changes to how CRC's will be processed.  The VMSL is registered with the CRRP and has personnel authorized to submit vulnerability checks on your behalf.  Submissions sent to the CRRP directly by the applicants will no longer be processed.  

NOTE:  While the CRRP puts a 5-year expiry date on successful CRC/VSC applications, BC Soccer and thus the VMSL requires that a CRC/VSC not be any older than 3 years. 

New eCRC Service as of August 18 ,2021

Identity verification: In the new eCRC system, an applicant’s identity is verified using their BC Services Card. If the applicant is using the BC Services Card to access the online service for first time, they will be directed to activate their card by video or in person through Service BC. Please note if applicants choose to activate their card in person, a mobile device is still required (iPhone, iPad, or Android).

Cost: There is no charge associated with activating a BC Services Card and the criminal record check fee (if applicable) has not changed.

see section below, Obtaining a CRC, Option 1 - Easy Option

To obtain a new CRC, renew your CRC, or Share your CRC, use this link & Access Code

Online Link: 
Access Code:  DBGPVSF4FZ 

This is
 the most efficient, fastest way to get clearance.  

If this link and related forms are not working for you, please see the information below.  


The VMSL requires a copy of your CRC on file. If you already have a CRC through another organization, you can now request a copy to be sent to the VMSL.  Please email for the "Sharing Consent Form".  

NOTE:  To share an existing CRC, your prior application must be within the same vulnerability sector as the VMSL (i.e. "works with" children)

To begin the process to have your CRC shared; 

1)   email stating your full First & Last Name, Team and Division... and request the "VMSL Sharing Consent Form"

2)   once you receive the form back, complete Section 2 on Page 1 and Parts 1, 3, & 4 on Page 2

3)   make sure you check "Children" at the top of Page 2

4)   sign & date the form and return it via email to

Once the Criminal Records Review Program has completed its necessary checks, the results will be sent to the Vancouver Metro Soccer League (VMSL).


You require a CRC if the following three condition are true; 

1)  you are a Team Staff on a VMSL team; AND

2)  you are 19 years of age or older; AND

3)  you have a Youth (an under 19, i.e., a player born in 2006 or later for 2024-25) signed to your team or playing on permit at any time in the season 

To make this process easy, Vancouver Metro Soccer League is enrolled with the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) Applicant Based Online Service.

The access code provided below is unique to our organization. This code will be required when submitting an online Criminal Record Check request. 

1)   email stating your full First & Last Name, Team and Division ... and request the "VMSL CRC Consent Form"

2)   once you receive the form back, complete Section 2 on Page 1 and Parts, 1, 3, & 4 on Page 2

3)   make sure you check "Children" at the top of Page 2

4)   sign & date the form and return it via email to

5)   validate your photo ID IN PERSON with the VMSL.  Please work with to complete this step

Again, once the Criminal Records Review Program has completed its necessary checks, the results will be sent to the Vancouver Metro Soccer League (VMSL).

Additional information about the CRRP is available at




The determination of risk process is initiated when a “relevant” or “specified offence” is found while screening an applicant. The process is mandated by the CRRA and requires the Deputy Registrar of the CRRP to determine whether an individual’s criminal record indicates they may be a risk to children and/or vulnerable adults.


The CRRP receives an applicant’s file and finds the existence of a relevant or specific offence. In most instances, a letter is created and issued to the applicant’s organization indicating that the applicant’s file has been forwarded for review; a separate letter is sent to the applicant. The letter explains that the Deputy Registrar referred the applicant’s file to an investigator, responsible for gathering information pertaining to any relevant and/or specified offence(s). No specific information relating to the offence(s) is provided to the organization or the applicant.

As part of the process, the applicant may be contacted to provide information regarding the offence(s). The investigator reviews all of the information and prepares a report for consideration by the Deputy Registrar. The Deputy Registrar will make a determination whether the individual poses a risk of physical or sexual abuse to children or physical, sexual, or financial abuse to vulnerable adults. The Deputy Registrar will notify the organization and the applicant of the determination by mail


The Vulnerable Sector (VS) check is an RCMP requirement which flags individuals undergoing a criminal record check for working with children and/or vulnerable adults for fingerprinting when a combination of their name, gender, or date of birth are similar to that of a record suspended sex offender. The VS database is owned by the RCMP and must be queried according to their parameters. Although the vast majority of those screened will not have a record suspended sexual offence, the process protects against rare but extremely serious situations.


A record suspension (formerly known as a pardon) allows individuals who were convicted of a criminal offence but completed their sentence and have rehabilitated themselves to apply to have their criminal record kept separate and apart from other criminal records.

Sexual offences that are granted a record suspension are flagged in a specific database so that should the individual with the record suspension apply to work or volunteer with a vulnerable sector group, the individual will be identified through the fingerprinting requirement.

The process includes screening those that share similar identifiers to the individual to ensure that individuals who may have legally changed their name will not be able to conceal criminal histories and also eliminates the possibility of individuals being wrongly associated with another person’s criminal history.


The CRRP conducts a VS check on every employee and volunteer processed through the program; however, only those who share a similar combination of name, gender, or date of birth as a record suspended sex offender are requested to provide fingerprints. If the individual is flagged for fingerprinting, the CRRP issues a Fingerprint Request Letter directly to the applicant. The applicant’s organization is not notified of the fingerprint request.

The Fingerprint Request Letter directs the applicant to attend their local police or RCMP detachment to complete the fingerprint requirement.

Note: Police and RCMP detachments have varying requirements for completing and submitting fingerprints. If an applicant has indicated that they require fingerprinting for a VS check, please have them contact their local police or RCMP detachment prior to attending.


From the date of the initial Fingerprint Request Letter, an applicant has 90 calendar days to complete the fingerprint requirement. If the CRRP does not receive any communication from the applicant, or the results of the fingerprints within 90 calendar days, notification will be sent to the organization that the file is considered closed. The CRRP will grant an additional two weeks from the closing of the file to allow for the applicant to provide proof of fingerprinting. If proof is not provided by then, the file will be officially closed, and a new consent package will bIt is recommended that the applicant or Authorized Contact send the CRRP an email with a copy of the fingerprinting receipt, if available, to If a receipt is received, the applicant’s file will remain open until the CRRP receives the results of the VS check, even if the results are received beyond the 90 days allotted for the request.

Postage delays and processing times may affect the results being returned to the CRRP; however, the average turnaround time is 2-8 weeks from the time the fingerprints are completed.

If the applicant has an active criminal record, it may take approximately 16 weeks to complete the VS check.e required.